
Mothers Day Ideas

Here are some cute last minute packaging ideas for Mothers Day:

The gift bag is a circle cut in half, with the bottom of a lunchsack glued in the middle. I added handles and a fake paper clasp. The paper shoew is filled with candy and the tag reads "Sometimes the right shoe can make all the difference-just ask cinderella" I downloaded the shoe pattern HERE at skiptomylou. The gift card holder is jsut like this one:

Post a link if you decide to make these-I'd love to see your version of these. Enjoy!


Adrienne Pierce said...

those are so cute! Thanks!

mommyof5kidz said...

CUte!!! Love those high heels! Awesome, Michelle!

Dana Tatar said...

So cute! I LOVE the shoe!

Peggy said...

so cute!

Gina said...

how cute!!! Tfs!