
A Little Photo Fun

Last week we woke up on a friday morning and found ourselves without ANY plans or responsibilities, so I got the kids all dressed up and took them to the park for a photo shoot. We kidnapped grandma from work and made her come too. Here are someof the results~


Lauri {Scrap Attack} said...

Super cute fall photos Michelle! & they even match the new DT suplies I sent! :)

Leejean Stanger said...

Cute pictures, what a fun way to spend an unplanned friday. love it.

Janet said...

Wow! You are good. I guess you can never be board when you have a camera and someone that knows how to use it. I bet your Mom loved being kidnaped from work too. how cute.

Scott and Jamie said...

Oh, they turned out great! I LOVE autumn-background pictures.
Happy Thanksgiving!