
Crazy for Chocolate

Anna saw a commercial or movie that had chocolate pie on it and she has been bugging me about making it. So I did (didn't take much convincing). Anna thought it was delicious and so (apparently) did Dylan. Here he is licking his plate clean.


Unknown said...

Yum, even I could go for a slice of that. Was it chocolate pudding? Suddenly, craving chocolate!

Tennille said...

Who doesn't love chocolate. I saw a sign the other day that read:
"I thought about giving up chocolate, but I'm no quitter!" Way to go on teaching your kids young!

Scott and Jamie said...

Hey! Looks like everybody is a fan for chocolate! Thanks for the comment. Hey, have you ever checked out the blog: frugalisfab.blogspot.com?
I found it through a friend and thought of you. She lives in California, so a lot of the stores are there like Safeway and Bel-Air, but maybe there's a few in Boise that would work for you! Stores are all different out here, except Walgreens, we do have those!

George and Caralee said...

Hi Michelle! How fun to see your sweet family. Stop by my blog to catch up with the Johnsons!!! I found you through Kassie Cook's blog. She is a friend of Jeff and Laura's.
Such cute kids!!!