

I Y the library! I always have. There is just something about shelves of books stacked to the ceiling that makes my heart flutter. I've always loved to read too and as a 12-13 year old I would check out 5 or 6 books a week and read them all. I still love to leave the library with a stack of books and come home and pour over them.
I've taught my kids to love the library too. Anna is into the "ancient science" books like egyptians and ancient rome (not sure where this is coming from but I suspect Indiana Jones has something to do with it) Dylan heads straight for the Wii games and can't believe that I let him get one every time. I'm not sure he realizes that they also go back every week. He loves the Star Wars section too. I could pass a Star Wars trivia test with flying colors after 2 years of reading everything SW. Want me to share my fav current finds from the library?

The Amish Cooks Baking Books by l. Eicher

Handmade Home by Amanda Blake Soule

Stitched In Time by Alicia Paulson

One Yard Wonders
I do also read actual books not just sewing stuff. I just finished Fire by K. Cashore. It is the second book in the series the first being Graceling. Great books! Before that I read The Pillars of the Earth by K. Follett-yes all 1189 pages. It was good but did drag a little in the middle (imagine that). I went through a phase where I read Stephenie Meyers (Twilight author) book reccommendations. Some were good-some were wierd. The last one I read from her list was Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac by G. Zieven. Didn't love it, but then again I'm a few years out of the teenage realm. Right now I'm reading Dear John by Nicholas Sparks because I loved the movie.
We read a lot at my house and I'm a big believer in the benefits to kids. My parents always read to me and I can still remember how much I loved Charlotte's Web. So find your favorite childhood book and share it with your kids. And give some love to the library!


Anonymous said...

i totally agree. we love to go to the library and my Anna love to bring books home. i now that is why see is so smart. i have turned in to a book worm lately and Zach thinks its funny. it is so fun to get lost in a different world for a few hours a night.

Gina said...

Oo...those sewing books look great! We love the library too. :)

The Cook Book said...

Those books look awesome. What is your favorite library?? I can't wait until Kenzie is a little older and she actually wants to sit and read them (all the way through). Those books you got look seriously awesome. I love that type of stuff!!! You know that!!

Joyce Ann said...

Oh yeah - a lover of books, sewing and scrapping - nothing better!

Monique Liedtke said...

I can't agree more!!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE books & the library!! I read to my kids every evening and sometimes in the afternoon too. The oldest is now 13 and when she has no more homework she reads and reads and reads..... Love it!! Off to browse a bit more through your blog!