Sorry for the recent lack of posting. I could blame it on my exciting, crazy life full of so many adventures, that I have no time to blog. The truth is we have just not done anything spectacular in a while. Summer is sadly almost over and the kids have been spending every afternoon playing in the backyard or at the park. Dylan asks every day if it is a swim day. He doesn't get the whole season thing. Dylan has been quite a crack-up lately though. We went and saw Kung-Fu Panda a few weeks ago and he really got into it. He does "his moves" as he calls them and contorts his body in all sorts of ways with a silly tough guy face. He also has been trash-talking lately. I made him turn off the TV yesterday and he turned around and said to me -"Diesel 10 (the mean Thomas engine) is going to get you back". Later that night when neither Mike or I would give him a sip of our pops, he said "Grandma & Grandpa are going to tell the policeman on you & you for not giving me sips". WOW-tough guy! He's just getting over pink eye, so I think feeling crappy has made him a little tougher :) Hope everyone elses's summers are ending well too. Anna's too young for Kindergarten still, so she started dance and loves it. I'll post some pictures soon!
Isaac is just starting to get the season thing and he is five. It is so fun to see them grow...It happens so fast!
I told lily that if she kept her room clean and showed some responsibility then we could get some baby chicks in the spring. So we've been having the discussion about just when spring is lots and lots of times. but it's all fun. She tells everyone "I'm getting chicks in the spring. She's 3.
Maddy keeps calling fall~spring and is so excited for the leaves to change! I'm ready for the change! Did you get apples? I'm about ready to order pears if you want some $13/box (2/3 bushel 25 lbs).
Waht a cute picture!
Check out our Blog Michelle, youv've been nominated! :)
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